Hello, my name is .bat
but my friends just call me dot
I am a self-study programmer. And yes, you can contact me about your project.
What can I do?
Basically, anything, once I put my mind to it. Talk to me and we'll figure it out.
However, you are here for a portfolio. And a portfolio you will get.
  • html + css
  • JavaScript
Yes I know my way around HTML
Does it mean that this site is built with pure HTML & CSS? Heck no!
We sat down with the client, and I found the tool for a quick, flexible and stylish solution.
What it does mean is that I can sprinkle HTML & CSS for additional flexibility.
Here is a survey god asked me to do in pure html and css.
read the story | check out the code
I wrote a little story with illustrations created in p5.js.

In the story I explore the basic programming approaches to animation.
What is next?
Care to join?
I am always tinkering, and here I will present only my most presentable ventures.
I would like to hear about that thing you are working on now. And maybe do my part.
So don't count me off if you didn't find an exact match among my previous projects.